Services › E-Publishing
E-Publishing Services
Reach your audience on every screen and offer your readers a more engaging online and mobile reading experience.
- E-Books & Magazines
- Portfolios & Brochures
- Flexible Design
- Engaging Interactivity
- Dynamic Content
E-Books & Magazines
People are spending more time on computers, tablets and mobile devices than reading the printed word so why miss out on gaining a wider audience for your book or magazine?
Simon Speakman can help guide you through the process of converting print ready documents to all popular E-Publishing formats.
Portfolios & Brochures
Reach a greater audience and ensure your portfolio or brochures content is always up to date and looking great with E-Publishing.
Great for:
- Portfolios & Curriculum Vitae
- Brochures & Menus
- Electronic Posters & Flyers
Flexible Design
Flexible cross platform responsive design ensures your content looks great on all these devices:
- PCs, Laptops & Netbooks
- E-Readers & Tablet Devices
- Smart Phones & Mobile Devices
Engaging Interactivity
Bring your publication to life with all the features and interactivity of a modern website:
- Navigation
- Hover States
- Animation
- Video
- Audio
Dynamic Content
Need to update your prices, event or product details?
Has your contact information changed?
With dynamic content you can always keep your publication up to date with fresh content to keep your audience coming back for more.